Each person of the Jacksonville College community is expected to uphold the Academic Integrity Code. The purpose of the Academic Integrity Code is to establish and preserve an environment of honor and integrity in the academic community. A deep faith in God is the foundation of Jacksonville College and should influence the personal and scholarly conduct of every student. Therefore, “. . . whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” (NKJV, Colossians 3:2).


Mrs. Jodye Jay

Academic Dean



A violation of the Academic Integrity Code consists of but is not limited to the following defined actions:


  1. Lying: making a false statement made with the deliberate intent to deceive. Lying includes but is not limited to the following:
    1. Substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for oneself, in taking a quiz or test.
    2. Falsifying College documents including alteration or forgery. (Disciplinary consequences for this violation are determined by the College administration.)
    3. Providing false information during the course of an investigation of an alleged violation of the Academic Integrity Code or the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. Stealing: taking the property of another, including College property, without permission or right.
  3. Cheating: dishonest behavior including but not limited to the following acts:
  4. Plagiarism: the act of taking or closely imitating another individual’s thoughts or words and using them as one’s own, whether by paraphrase or direct quotation, without giving credit through proper documentation; the submission of an assignment written by another student, commercial organization, or anyone other than the student.
  5. Unauthorized Assistance or Collaboration: students working together on any tests, quizzes, assignments, or exams without the instructor’s permission.
  6. Use of Unauthorized Materials: using textbooks, cell phones, laptops, calculators, or other electronic devices for tests, quizzes, or assignments without the instructor’s permission.
  7. Unauthorized Dual Submission of Previous Academic Work: using any work from a previous course or another course for an assignment unless a student has received prior permission from an instructor.
  8. Other Academic Misconduct: including but not limited to stealing quizzes or exams, altering academic records including grades, sabotaging the work of another student, or unauthorized use of another student’s electronic devices; intentionally reporting a false violation of academic integrity or offering a bribe to any College member in exchange for special consideration or favors.


  1. First Offense: The student will be given a zero or “F” on the test, exam, course paper, or course assignment.
  2. Second Offense (whether in the same course or another course): The student will receive an “F” in the course in which the second offense occurred.
  3. Third Offense (whether in the same course or another course): The student is subject to being withdrawn from the College by the Academic Dean. 


  1. The instructor will complete the Academic Violation Report Form which notifies the Academic Dean and places the violation on the student’s record. This academic violation including a copy of the work in question will remain on the student’s record for the duration of the student’s enrollment at Jacksonville College. 
  2. The Academic Dean, or other designated personnel,  may talk with the student regarding the academic violation. (See the Jacksonville College Student Handbook.)
  3. For a second offense, the Academic Dean will notify the student regarding an “F” in the course in which the second and subsequent violation occurred.
  4. For a third offense, the Academic Dean will notify the student of his or her due process in the withdrawal procedures from the College. 

APPEALS:  The student may refer to the “Student Grievance Procedure” section in the Jacksonville College Course Catalog.