Every professor at Jacksonville College integrates the Bible into their classes and provides a Jesus-centered education that includes spiritual formation. This fall we have some changes on our faculty, with some longtime professors retiring and new professors joining the faculty.

Dr. Darrell Kirchner retired this summer after sixteen years as a Science Professor. A very knowledgeable chemist, he loved teaching and encouraging students.

Miss Vanita Pettey retired this summer after twenty-six years as a English Professor. A stalwart advocate of proper grammar, she helped generations of students hone their communication skills.

We are grateful for their contributions to Jacksonville College over many years. Their presence is already missed on our campus. We are also grateful that God providentially brought two new professors to the college at just the right time.

Andrew Douglass is a new Science Professor. He taught science for ten years in a Las Vegas high school before moving to East Texas a decade ago. In addition to two degrees in science from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Mr. Douglass also has a Master of Divinity from BMA Seminary. For the last eight years, he has served as a pastor, with the last five as pastor of First Baptist Church in Gresham. Mr. Douglass, his wife, and four children live in Tyler. His greatest joy is to share the Gospel with others, which he often has the opportunity to do at Jacksonville College.

Caleb Stewart is a new English Professor. He recently graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a Master of Arts in English. A native of Longview, Mr. Stewart has published numerous short stories and poems. He is an active member of Grace Bible Church in Nacogdoches, where he lives with his wife. Mr. Stewart loves writing, but understands how difficult and scary writing can be. He enjoys helping students learn both how to write and how to enjoy writing.

Mr. Andrew Douglass, Science Instructor

Mr. Caleb Stewart, English Instructor