Apply for Graduation
Congratulations! You’ve worked hard and are finally here. It’s time to graduate.
Walking the stage and holding your diploma/degree in your hand represents a significant milestone in your life and a giant step in the right direction for your career. We’re excited to celebrate with you.
Here’s what you need to know about graduating from Jacksonville College.
Types Of Degrees/Diplomas At Jacksonville College
A student may apply for one of the following:
- Associate of Arts
- Associate of Science
- Junior College Diploma
If a student qualifies for one of the associate degrees, the other associate degree may be obtained only with the successful completion of an additional 15 hours at Jacksonville College.
1. Request A Graduation Degree Audit
Students must request a graduation degree audit online from the Office of the Registrar prior to registering for their last term courses.
When completed, degree audits will be shared via Jagmail with the appropriate advisor and student on Google Drive. Advisors will not be able to register a student for the last term classes until the student has a degree audit from the Registrar.
2. Apply for Graduation
A student must file a completed graduation application by the specified dates listed on the Academic Calendar for each of the three annual graduation times.
Graduation applications are available online.
3. Submit An Alumni Information Form
Students applying for graduation must complete an Alumni Information Form.
Graduation Fees
Graduation fees, including cap and gown, are included in the first term fees for all degree seeking students. All financial accounts must be settled before graduating.
Graduation Requirements
- The student must satisfy all college admission requirements, including the submission of all college transcripts.
- The student must complete and submit an Application to Receive Associate Degree and must fulfill degree requirements as set forth in the current Jacksonville College Catalog under which he or she is applying to graduate.
- The student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.000. This includes all courses taken at Jacksonville College and all courses officially transferable to Jacksonville College from another institution. If a course is repeated, the semester hour credit is counted only once. The higher grade of the repeated course is used for grade-point average calculation.
- A passing grade in Meaningful Life Course (MLC) for each term of degree seeking enrollment with a minimum of one term and a maximum of four terms.
- A maximum of two (2) semester hours of physical education activity classes may be counted toward graduation.
- The student must make satisfactory settlement of all financial accounts.
- The student must receive the unanimous approval of the administration and Board of Trustees.
- If graduating in May, the student must participate in the May commencement ceremony unless granted a waiver by the Administrative Vice President. The waiver is granted or denied at the time of application.
- Graduates in August and December may choose to participate in the May Commencement Ceremony and will need to contact the Admissions Team for their cap and gown at the time of their application for graduation.
- Students who complete their coursework in Winter Session will have their degrees conferred in May. Students who complete their coursework in May Session or Summer Terms will have their degrees conferred in August.
- Developmental courses in reading, writing and mathematics do not count toward the 60 semester hours of credit requirements. These courses are recognizable because the number begins with a 0. For example: MATH 0406 is a developmental course that does not count toward graduation requirements.
Graduation Honors
To graduate Cum Laude (Honor)
The student must earn a cumulative grade-point average of 3.4000 or more with no grade lower than a “C” included in the average.
To graduate Magna Cum Laude (High Honor)
The student must complete at least 15 semester credit hours at Jacksonville College and earn a cumulative grade-point average of 3.8000 or more with no grade lower than a “C” included in the average.
To graduate Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honor)
The student must complete at least 15 semester credit hours at Jacksonville College and earn a cumulative grade-point average of 4.0000.

Obtain An Associate Degree Via Reverse Transfer
A reverse transfer is for students who have already transferred to another two-year or four-year institution without having earned an associate degree at Jacksonville College. Reverse transfer allows students to transfer credits earned at other institutions back to Jacksonville College in order to obtain an associate degree. Jacksonville College will review the courses taken at other institutions and determine if the combination of credits earned meet the requirements for an associate degree by completing a degree audit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I “Walk” In May And Finish Classes Next Term?
Students who lack 9 hours or less for graduation and who provide assurance that those courses will be completed by the end of the ensuing long term may participate in the May commencement ceremony.
How Do I Get My Diploma?
Diplomas may be picked up at reception in Norman Building. Diplomas will be mailed to those who elect that option on the graduation application.