Student Life

Student Life

Jacksonville College provides opportunities beyond the classroom to engage students in building social relationships, developing leadership opportunities, and engaging the world in a meaningful way.

spiritual Growth

Our student life team facilitates spiritual growth actitives, such as worship nights. They can also help you find a local church right for you and plug into activities for college students.

Student Organizations

Our diverse student organizations provide opportunities for building deeper relationships and bonding over shared interests. Students can also suggest new organizations they would like to see on campus.

Servant Leadership

We offer various opportunities to serve others, whether through volunteering on campus or joining one of our leadership intiatives like America Reads. See the Dean of Students for more information.

Student Activities

Weekly activities include everything from mud volleyball to video game tournaments to karoake to laser tag, with a lot in between! Check campus monitors and email for the student life calendar.

Spirit & tradition

Since its founding in 1899, JC has fostered a tradition of student involvement and a supportive alumni group. Jaguar spirit runs deep and we are proud of our heritage as the oldest junior college in Texas!


Our Student Union Building is the hub of campus! Open M-F 7 AM-11:45 PM and Sat/Sun 12 PM-11:45 PM, the SUB provides tv, foosball, ping pong, study/work areas, vending machines, and more.

Student Organizations

Student life supports the college’s mission to TEACH. TRAIN. TRANSFORM. Our activities and organizations seek to meet the needs of a diverse student population and provide avenues for connection and involvement.


Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the Academic Honor Society for international junior colleges, hosted by the Alpha Beta Alpha chapter of Jacksonville College. Memebership is based on academic criteria.

JC Singers

JC’s student praise team, represents the College at MLC, churches, rallies, civic events, and educational groups throughout various regions.

Intercollegiate Sports

The Jacksonville College Jaguars and Lady Jaguars sports teams compete in Region XIV of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Teams include Men’s and Women’s:

  • Cross Country
  • Track and field (Division II)
  • Golf (Division II)
  • Soccer
  • Tennis

Walter Prescott Webb Historical Society

Walter Prescott Webb Historical Society is designed for students interested in history—with a focus on local and state history. Members have the opportunity to conduct individual and/or collaborative research, perform community service, participate in campus activities, visit historic sites, attend state conferences, and enter award competitions.

JC Esports

Video gaming, or Esports, is growing in popularity and the JC Esports team offers our college community diverse gaming opportunities. JC Esports is open to anyone in our JC community and participates in Tier 3 of the NJCAA Esports association.

LEAP Campus Leadership

LEAP (Leadership, Education, and Purpose) students serve as student ambassadors, provide leadership on campus, facilitate engagement in student activities, and represent the student voice on committees.

Student Life Team

The Student Life Team helps coordinate, promote, and direct student life events and activities.


JETS (Jaguar Effective Teachers) is open to all students interested in pursuing education as a career path. Members have the opportunity for fellowship, collaboration, and learning from guest speakers.

B.J. Albritton Ministerial Alliance

B.J. Albritton Ministerial Alliance (MA) is for ministerial students and provides an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other ministers and to participate in a program of spiritual emphasis and training.

America Reads

 As a part of the America Reads/America Counts initiative, Jacksonville College sends students to Joe Wright Elementary to assist their teachers with increasing the literacy and mathematical skills of their students.

MLC Small Groups

MLC Groups enrich our students’ lives spiritually by giving them team leaders to encourage and continue deeper discussions related to Christ. All JC students are assigned to an MLC Group and they meet every Monday at 11:00 a.m.

Dining Services


Residential Life

Campus Safety

Jag Store

Visit the Norman Building for spirit apparel and other Jag Swag!


Tutoring Services

The Teaching  & Learning Center (TLC) accommodate students who need assistance from a tutor. The TLC is open to all students and is located at the JC Library in the Newburn-Rawlinson House. 

Advising & Counseling

Whether you need help determining your major area of study or you are seeking professional counseling, the faculty and staff at Jacksonville College are here to help. We offer academic advising, spiritual advising, and partner with professional counselors.

Student Support & Disability Services

At Jacksonville College, we don’t want anything to get in the way of receiving an exceptional, Christ-centered education. If any student requires accommodations or disability services, they should contact the Office of Student Support Services.

Contact Us

Norman Building

M – Th 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

F 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Shawn Moore, Student Life Coordinator

Aaron Gray, Dean of Students