Student Achievement
Student Achievement Objectives Linked with Strategic Plan 2020
The Key Student Completion Indicator (KSCI) for Jacksonville College is the traditional IPEDS overall graduation rate.
Criteria: Strategic Plan 2020 Goal 1 – Provide a Christ-centered, quality education that prepare students for further educational endeavors.
Outcome: Jacksonville College seeks to increase the graduation rates of students
Outcome Rationale: In earning an associate degree from Jacksonville College, students show that they have completed the first level of their higher education and are prepared to continue pursuing their educational goals.
Student Achievement Goals:
- Jacksonville College will have a 3% increase in graduation rates as reported by IPEDS annually.
- Jacksonville College will have an increase in total degree awarded annually.
Goal Rationale: Jacksonville College’s gals for graduation were established by analyzing the data trends for the College in these area. In analyzing IPEDS graduation rates between 2013 and 2015, a 3% increase was evident.
Evaluation of Data: Jacksonville College has exceeded the 3% increase in graduation rates reported by IPEDS for the years of 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The objective was not met in the year of 2015, which resulted in a 2% increase. In analyzing the goal of a 3% increase in degrees awarded annually by Jacksonville College, the graph above reveals the objective was exceeded for the years of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. The results from the 2017 year indicate a 6% decrease in comparison to 2016. When looking at the data however, this one year of decrease was compensated for in 2018 which showed a 32% increase. The overall trend is a continuing increase reflecting student achievement for both goals for this outcome are being met.

Criteria: Strategic Plan 2020 Goal 2 – Promote lifelong learning for students, faculty, staff, and community.
Outcome: Jacksonville College seeks to increase the retention of its degree seeking students.
Outcome Rationale: Persistence indicates Jacksonville College students are pursuing learning through this phase in their life.
Student Achievement Goal:
- Jacksonville College will have 50% of degree seeking students continue enrollment in Jacksonville College or transfer to another junior college or a baccalaureate institution.
Goal Rationale: Jacksonville College’s goal for continuing enrollment rate was established by analyzing the data trends for the College in this area. The goal of 50% continued enrollment in JC or another institution was derived from the College’s transfer rate according to IPEDS. JC’s transfer rate averaged 25% transferring and an additional approximate of 25% graduating from JC, therefore a goal of 50% continuing enrollment was analyzed.
Student Achievement Goal Data: Academic Persistence Graphs
Evaluation of Data: Persistence tracking shows a gradual decline as the years progress due to students earning degrees/certificates and entering the workforce. In analyzing results toward meeting the 50% of degree seeking students to continue enrollment in Jacksonville College or transfer to another junior college or a baccalaureate institution, the first, second and third year data will be used. Data was collected using National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker for analysis. For the academic year of 2013, the graph reveals that the objective of 50% was only met in the second year with 54% continuing enrollment. The academic year of 2014 shows students meeting the objective for the first and second year with 55.2% and 53.2% continuing enrollment and 41.2% in the third year. 64.2% of the academic year 2015 students continued enrollment in the first year with 46.9% and 40.9% in the second and third years. For the academic year of 2016, 58.5% continued enrollment the first year and 55.4% the second year. Students from the 2017 academic year reveal 68.1% continuing enrollment for the first year.
Criteria: Strategic Plan 2020 Goal 3 – Promote lifelong learning for students, faculty, staff, and community.
Outcome: Jacksonville College seeks to have students who transfer earn a bachelor’s degree or complete a certificate program.
Outcome Rationale: Achievement of a bachelor’s degree or certificate indicate Jacksonville College students are pursuing learning through this phase in their life.
Student Achievement Goal:
- Jacksonville College will have 25% of degree seeking students who transfer earn a bachelor’s degree or complete a certificate program.
Goal Rationale: The subsequent degrees/certificates earned goal of 25% was derived from IPEDS graduation rate data from 2013 through 2015. In 2015, the College’s IPEDS graduation rate was 22%. Approximately one-fourth of JC students earned a degree from JC. The College collected data to show whether or not an additional one-fourth earned a degree or certificate from another institution.
Student Achievement Goal Data: Subsequent Degrees/Certificates Earned Graphs
Evaluation of Data: Due to the time required to earn a bachelor’s degree, students will be tracked for the subsequent five years after the academic year using data collected from National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker. Degrees and certificates earned by 2013 academic year students reveal that 23% met this goal. Including associate degrees from other institutions in the data shows that 33.3% of these students earned a degree after leaving Jacksonville College. 2014 academic year students show 18% earning a bachelor’s degree or certificate in the subsequent four years. 24% have earned an associate degree, bachelor’s degree or certificate since enrolled at Jacksonville College. 11% of the 2015 academic year students have earned a bachelor’s degree or a certificate in the subsequent three years. Including students who also earned an associate degree from another institution raises the percentage to 17.3. Data will continue to be collected for 2014 through current year and analyzed as applicable.
Criteria: Strategic Plan 2020 Goal 4 – Promote lifelong learning for students, faculty, staff, and community.
Outcome: Jacksonville College aims to provide opportunities for the local community to pursue learning.
Outcome Rationale: Jacksonville College is the only two year college in Cherokee County and therefore a main source of learning opportunities for the community.
Student Achievement Goal:
- 50% of Jacksonville College cumulative graduates will be from the local community.
Goal Rationale: Jacksonville College is the only two year college in Cherokee County and therefore established a goal of half of the College’s graduates originating from its community.
Evaluation of Data: Cumulative data from 2014-2019 reveals that 50% of Jacksonville College graduates are from Cherokee County with an additional 6.5% from neighboring counties. The goal of 50% of JC graduates being from the College’s county reflects its success in promoting and meeting the learning needs of its community.
General Education Learning Outcomes for Jacksonville College
Information Literacy Skills
Jacksonville College graduates should be able to apply principles of information literacy to engage in research, analyze evidence, and form conclusions/judgments to meet specific course requirements and develop skills for lifelong learning.
Communication Presentation Skills
Jacksonville College graduates should be able to formulate and organize ideas resulting in purposeful presentations, which increase knowledge, foster understanding, and affect the attitudes, values, and beliefs of themselves and others.
Critical Thinking, Mathematics, Reading and Writing Collegiate Level Competencies
Jacksonville College graduates will demonstrate collegiate level competencies that meet or exceed the national norms as evidenced by scored responses on a standardized assessment.